Ukulele Tab without chords.

Capo on the first fret
C|-2-4--- 0--0--2----2-4----0--0--2------------|
G|------- 0--0--0----------- 0--0--0------------|
A|------ 3--3--2--32---0--0 ----|
C|-2-4-- 0--0--2--22---2--0-----|
G|------ 0--0--0--00---2--2-----|
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About this song: Colder Weather
According to the Colder Weather Songfacts, the song tells the tale of a traveling musician who heads back on the road chasing his dreams. In doing so he leaves behind the woman who loves him. Later on, he starts having second thoughts and returns to her but it isn't long before the urge to roam overtakes him again.