1 Chords used in the song: D
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The 9 onG string (with the bar on 7th) is optional but it adds a nice "ring" to the chord.
When deafening the Third Bar 2nd chord, deafen it almost immediately after strumming.
The strumming pattern for the last chord doesn't really sync up rhythmically with the lyrics so it's best sung and played by ear.
Bar 7th / Bar 2nd
'D' !H!'D' 'D' 'D'*Q* 'D D UD UDUDUD,
Ooh Ahh, Love ********, Take **** *******, **** that ******... (x3~)
'D' Strum Down
'U' Strum Up
!H! Slap (Hit)
-p- Pull off
*Q* Deafen (Quiet)
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About this song: Love Yourself (interlude)
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