4 Chords used in the song: C, Am, Em, G
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View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
C Am Em G
Verse 1:
A rainy day and rainy night.
The water falling on the ground.
No smiling faces, No broken hearts.
You are waiting for a better one.
Please wait a minute, stay on the ground.
Please wait a minute for a better one.
Please wait a minute, stay on the ground.
Please wait a minute for a better one.
Verse 2:
Go to the coffee shop take a cup of tea.
Make your always same day complete.
Go for a walk at a rainy day.
At a rainy night go for a walk.
Please wait a minute, stay on the ground.
Please wait a minute for a better one.
Please wait a minute, stay on the ground.
Please wait a minute for a better one.
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About this song: Rainy
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