4 Chords used in the song: Am, G, F, C
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Transpose chords:
Verse and bridge =
Am, G
Chorus =
And who am I to tell you
That I would never let you down
That no one else could love you
C G Am
Half as much as I do now
And who am I to tell you
I'd always catch you when you fall
Well I, I wouldn't be myself at all
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About this song: Who Am I
"Who Am I" is a popular song co-written by songwriter and ex-Brother Beyond musician Eg White, and singer Lucie Silvas. It was recorded by Will Young and featured on his third album, Keep On. The track was released as a single on 24 April 2006. The lyrics are about her Silvas' boyfriend's feelings. She wanted to write a song from a male point of view as she was used to writing songs from a female perspective, and wanted the song to be recorded by a male vocalist.