4 Chords used in the song: C, G7, F, C7
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Leave Me
Recorded by Ernest Tubb and The Wilburn Brothers
C G7 C
You should be satisfied you broke my heart
You told me once there'd never be
One to take the place of me
But now your love has let me down
G7 C
I know your heart's been playing around
C7 F
Why don't you leave me go on and leave me
G7 C
You only meant to hurt me from the start
C7 F
Why don't you leave me go on and leave me
G7 C
You should be satisfied you broke my heart
Your lips meet mine and how I yearn
To have the kiss I'd give return
The warmth is gone from your embrace
G7 C
And now you're laughing in my face
Repeat #2
You never wanted love that's true
It's always been a game to you
But now you've played it to the end
G7 C
What more do you expect to win
Repeat #2
G7 C
You should be satisfied you broke my heart
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