4 Chords used in the song: G, G7, C, D7
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I'm Setting You Free
Recorded by the Wilburn Brothers
G G7 C
Now listen here honey you been doing me wrong
D7 G
And I ain't said nothing for so doggone long
G7 C
But I don't like the way you been treating me
D7 G
So early tomorrow I'm setting you free
G7 C
Well I done seen a lawyer and the papers are clear
D7 G
If you don't like the charges when you read it my dear
G7 C
Think back at the times when you were cheating on me
D7 G
You'll find the charges are true I'm setting me free
Repeat #1
G7 C
When I go tomorrow for my final decree
D7 G
Then I won't be around for you to worry me
G7 C
I've thought it all over no use pleading with me
D7 G
Better find you a new love cause I'm setting you free
Repeat #1
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