4 Chords used in the song: F, C, Dm, Bb
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Transpose chords:
Hey, does it ever make you wonder
Dm Bb F
what's on my mind
C Dm C
I was only ever running back to your side
Bb C F Dm
I never cried, I just watched my life go by
Bb C
It's just a pack of lies,
F Bb
'cause you're leaving me behind
Why, after this long is there nothing
Dm Bb F
I'll keep, oh I can shout
C Dm C
you'll pretend you're falling asleep
Bb C F Dm
I live a lie, yeah, believing that you're mine
Bb C
It's just a waste of time
F Bb
'cause you're leaving me behind
F C Dm
CHORUS Hey, there's not a cloud in the sky
Bb F
It's as blue as your goodbye
and I thought it would rain
Bb F
on a day like today
C Dm
Hey, there's not a cloud in sight
Bb F
it's as blue as your blue goodbye
and I thought it would rain
Bb F
the day you went away
Hey, does it ever make you wonder
Dm Bb F
what's on my mind
C Dm C
I was only ever running back to your side
CHORUS again
F C Dm
Hey, there's not a cloud in sight
Bb F
it's as blue as your blue goodbye
and I thought it would rain
Bb F
the day you went away
F C Dm Bb
He's on the buses, and the aeroplanes
Dm C Bb F
with some groceries and a sleeping bag
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About this song: Day You Went Away
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