Danae's Song Uke tab by UkeMarS

2 Chords used in the song: E7, Am

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Tablature / Chords (Full Song)

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Album:  unknown
Key: AmChords
Riff 1: Am Am,Dm Dm,Am Am,E7 E7 -> Strumming Pattern DDUUDU for each chord(except DUDUUDU for E7 E7)

Riff 2: Am Am,Dm Dm,C C,E7 E7 -> Strumming Pattern DDUUDU for each chord(except DUDUUDU for E7 E7)

You start by fingerpicking E7 E7,Am Am,E7 E7,Am Am. *
Then you single strum Am Am,E7 E7.
Then: Riff 1
Riff 1
Riff 2 and repeat (1,1,2,1,1,2,1...etc.)

When you want to finish the song just do some slow Riff 1 repetitions,decreasing strumming speed and power till the sound slowly fades out.

* The fingerpicking pattern i use is:

Thumb and ring finger pinch G G and A A string respectively.
And then middle finger picks E E string and then index finger picks the C C string.
I repeat this pattern 4 times for each chord.

Hope you guys like it,please rate and comment if possible!!!

Uke tab by , 04 Aug 2016

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