8 Chords used in the song: G, Bm, Em, D, G/D, Dadd, Am, A7
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Transpose chords:
G Bm Em
Honey, I'm worried the fire's cold
Bm Em Bm D
Our tired souls have lost their way
G Bm Em
Stay home and find the songs fade away
Bm Em Bm D G/D D Dadd6no3
Alone and strange, out of range
Am D Am D
I've heard you say dreams don't matter
G Bm Em
That's why we hold on as the days pass
Am D G
and wait for love
G Bm Em Bm Em Bm D
G Bm Em
On and on waltz through the distant day
Bm Em Bm D G/D D Dadd6no3
Scatter parades as the sweet slips away
Am D Am D
I guess you say we don't matter
Em A7 D
And I bet that could be true
G Bm Em
But I still wanna look in your eyes and say
Am D G
I'll wait for you
(whistle solo)
G Bm Em Bm Em Bm D
G Bm Em Bm Em Bm D G/D D Dadd6no3
Am D Am D
Oh, I guess you say we don't matter
Em A7 D
And I bet that could be true
G Bm Em
But I still wanna look in your eyes today
Am D G
and wait for love
G Bm Em
Am D G
Let's wait for love
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