4 Chords used in the song: E, D, A, B
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|E |
D |
E |
E | x4
Verse 1:
|E |E |A |A
Old lion's dyin, got left behind
|E |E
Cut your teeth, lose your meat
|A |A
And man it's just a matter of time
|E |E |A |A
Key's to the cuffs, you might be king
|B |B |B |B
That's it, that's all, that's everything
Verse 2:
Skeletons come here to dance
Where barrooms beat their brothers
Into a bloody trance
What's the deal? What did I do?
Who cops all the cops is all I asked of you
|E |D |E |E
Lining up, waiting on the trickle down
|E |D |E |E
Somethings up, taking time to get around
|E |D |A |A
Belly up, all the drinks are on the Crown
|A |A |E |E
It's just a matter of a trickle down
Verse 3:
Twenty miles before the crash
That's the style for a while
And man I think it's gonna last
"Hit the brakes" is all you can say
Conductor says we'll save them for another rainy day
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About this song: Trickle Down
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