4 Chords used in the song: C, G7, F, C7
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Transpose chords:
My (C)grandfather's (G7)clock was too (C)tall for the (F)shelf,
so it (C)stood ninety (G7)years on the (C)floor. (C)
It was (C)taller by (G7)half than the (C)old man him(F)self,
Though it (C)weighed not a (G7)pennyweight (C)more. (C)
It was (C)bought on the (C7)morn' of the (F)day that he was (C)born,
It was (C)always his (C)treasure and (G7)pride,
But it (C)stopped, (G7)short, (C)never to go a(F)gain,
When the (C)old (G7)man (C)died.
Ninety (C)years without (F)slumber(C)ing, (tic toc tic toc)
His (C)life's seconds (F)number(C)ing, (tic toc tic toc)
But it (C)stopped, (G7)short, (C)never to go a(F)gain,
When the (C)old (G7)man (C)died.
In (C)watching its (G7)pendulum (C)swing to and (F)fro,
Many (C)hours he had (G7)spent when a (C)boy, (C)
And through (C)childhood and (G7)manhood, the (C)clock seemed to (F)know,
And to (C)share both his (G7)grief and his (C)joy.
For it (C)struck twenty-(C7)four when he (F)entered at the (C)door,
With a (C)blooming and (C)beautiful (G7)bride,
But it (C)stopped, (G7)short, (C)never to go a(F)gain,
When the (C)old (G7)man (C)died.
(Repeat Chorus)
My (C)grandfather (G7)said that of (C)those he could (F)hire,
Not a (C)servant so (G7)faithful he'd (C)found, (C)
For it (C)kept perfect (G7)time and it (C)had one de(F)sire,
At the (C)close of each (G7)day to be (C)wound.
And it (C)kept to its (C7)place, not a (F)frown upon its (C)face,
And its (C)hands never (C)hung by its (G7)side,
But it (C)stopped, (G7)short, (C)never to go a(F)gain,
When the (C)old (G7)man (C)died.
(Repeat Chorus)
It (C)rang an a(G7)larm in the (C)still of the (F)night,
An a(C)larm that for (G7)years had been (C)dumb, (C)
And we (C)knew that his spirit was (C)pluming for (F)flight,
That his (C)hour of de(G7)parture had (C)come,
Still the (C)clock kept the (C7)time, with a (F)soft and muffled (C)chime,
As we (C)silently (C)stood by his (G7)side,
But it (C)stopped, (G7)short, (C)never to go a(F)gain,
When the (C)old (G7)man (C)died.
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