6 Chords used in the song: G, D, C, Am, A, Em
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Transpose chords:
#Intro: G D C
#G D C
#Toast and marmalade for tea
# Am G
#Sailing ships upon the sea
# D C
#Aren't lovelier than you
# D G D
#Or the games I see you play
#G D C
#You more lovely than the day
# Am G
#When the sun is in your eyes
# D C
#I see through your disguise
# D G D
#All the games I see you play
#G D C
#You more lovely than the day
# Am G
#When the sun is in your eyes
# D C
#I see through your disguise
# D G A
#All the games I see you play
#D A G
#Toast and marmalade for tea
# Em D
#Sailing ships upon the sea
# A G
#Aren't lovelier than you
# A D A
#Or the games I see you play
#G D C
#You more lovely than the day
# Am G
#When the sun is in your eyes
# D C
#I see through your disguise
# D G D
#All the games I see you play
#G D C
#Toast and marmalade for tea
# Am G
#Sailing ships upon the sea
# D C
#Aren't lovelier than you
# D G D
#Or the games I see you play
#G D C
#You more lovely than the day
# Am G
#When the sun is in your eyes
# D C
#I see through your disguise
# D G D
#All the games I see you play
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About this song: Toast And Marmalade For Tea
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