6 Chords used in the song: Ab, Ab7/Eb, Ab/C, Db, D, Eb
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Transpose chords:
Ab Ab7/Eb Ab Ab7/Eb Ab Ab7/Eb Ab Ab7/Eb Ab Ab7/Eb
Ab Ab7/Eb
Want some whiskey in your water?
Ab Ab7/Eb
Sugar in your tea?
Ab Ab7/Eb Ab Ab7/Eb
What's all these crazy questions they're askin' me?
Ab Ab7/Eb Ab Ab7/Eb
This is the craziest party that could ever be
Ab Ab7/Eb Ab Ab7/Eb
Don't turn on the lights 'cause I don't wanna see
Ab Ab/C Db D
Mama told me not to come
Eb Ab Ab/C Db D Eb
Mama told me not to come
Ab Ab/C Db D Ab/C Eb
"That ain't the way to have fun, no"
Ab Ab7/Eb Ab Ab7/Eb
Open up the window, let some air into this room
Ab Ab7/Eb Ab Ab7/Eb
I think I'm almost chokin' from the smell of stale perfume
Ab Ab7/Eb Ab Ab7/Eb
And that cigarette you're smokin' 'bout scare me half to death
Ab Ab7/Eb Ab Ab7/Eb
Open up the window, sucker, let me catch my breath
Ab Ab/C Db D
Mama told me not to come
Eb Ab Ab/C Db D Eb
Mama told me not to come
Ab Ab/C Db D Eb
"That ain't the way to have fun, son"
Ab/C Eb
"That ain't the way to have fun, son"
Ab Ab/C Db D Eb
Ab Ab/C Db D Eb
Ab Ab/C Db D Eb
Ab Ab7/Eb Ab Ab7/Eb
Ab Ab7/Eb Ab Ab7/Eb
The radio is blastin', someone's knockin' at the door
Ab Ab7/Eb Ab Ab7/Eb
I'm lookin' at my girlfriend - she's passed out on the floor
Ab Ab7/Eb Ab Ab7/Eb
I seen so many things I ain't never seen before
Ab Ab7/Eb Ab Ab7/Eb
Don't know what it is - I don't wanna see no more
Ab Ab/C Db D
Mama told me not to come
Eb Ab Ab/C Db D
Mama told me not to come
Eb Ab Ab/C Db D Eb
She said, "That ain't the way to have fun, son"
Ab/C Eb
"That ain't the way to have fun, no"
Ab Ab/C Db D Eb
"That ain't the way to have fun, no"
Ab Ab/C Db D Eb
"That ain't the way to have fun, son"
Ab Ab/C Db D Eb
"That ain't the way to have fun, no"
Ab Ab/C Db D Eb
"That ain't the way to have fun, son"
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About this song: Mama Told Me Not To Come
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