4 Chords used in the song: A, F#, D, C#m
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Transpose chords:
intro: A F# D A
A F#
I believe, I believe
I could see, I could see
forever in my hand
A F#
but I believe, I believe
I could leave and if you notice
then you would understand
and so I feel alone
wide and low
I feel you suffering sad
Repeat intro chords
cause I believe, I believe
I could see, I could see
forever in my hand
C#m A
so you can call this a test pattern
C#m A
so you don't have to commit
C#m D
so you could change any day
Repeat intro chords
I believe, I believe
you could see, you could see
me forever by his side
and I believe, I believe
if you leave, if you leave
I will cry, I will cry, I will cry
why do I feel so crazy now
why am I losing my mind
cause I believe, I believe
you could see me forever by his side
C#m A
still you can call this a test pattern
C#m A
so you don't have to commit
C#m D
so you can change any day
(for the end just repeat the intro chords).
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