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There are 29 Kid Cudi Ukulele tabs and chords in database
- chords Alive
- chords All Along
- chords Cudi Zone Riff
- tab Dat New New
- tab Dat New New
- mix Day N Night (full)Rate song!
- chords Enter Galactic (love Connection Pt. 1)Rate song!
- chords Erase Me Riff
- chords Erase Me
- tab Going To The CeremonyRate song!
- chords Just What I AmRate song!
- mix Man On The Moon
- chords Persuit Of Happiness RiffRate song!
- chords Pillow TalkRate song!
- tab Pursuit Of Happiness Part
- tab Pursuit Of HappinessRate song!
- chords Pursuit Of Happiness
- chords Pursuit Of Happiness
- mix Pursuit Of Happiness
- tab Pursuit Of Happiness (nightmare)Rate song!
- tab Pursuit Of Happiness (picking)Rate song!
- chords Revofev (revolution Of Evolution) Riff
- chords Simple As
- chords Soundtrack 2 My Life
- chords Soundtrack To My Life [ Rate ] Rate song!
- chords Soundtrack To My LifeRate song!
- chords Symphonies Ft. Dan Black
- chords The Prayer
- mix Up Up And AwayRate song!
Kid Cudi Albums
Biography Kid Cudi
Scott Ramon Seguro Mescudi (born January 30, 1984 in Shaker Heights, Ohio, United States), better known by his stage name KiD CuDi, is a Grammy award nominated rapper and singer who first gained attention after the release of his debut mixtape a KiD named CuDi which he released in collaboration with New York street wear brand 10.Deep. The mixtape caught the attention of Kanye West and led to Cudi's signing to the G.O.O.D. Music Label.
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