5 Chords used in the song: C, Am, F, Dm, E7

View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
Here comes the darkness
It's eating at my soulAm
Now all of the spark has
Run out of controlF
This fire is raging
I can't find the doorDm
I just want to die hereE7
But you wanted more
You want be to burnF
Want me to burnDm
Want me to hurtE7
And maybe I will finally learn
Here comes the darkness
It's eating at my brainAm
Now that the light
Has driven me insaneF
This fire is blazing
And I'm still insideDm
I just want to die hereE7
You won't let me out alive
You want be to burnF
Want me to burnDm
Want me to hurtE7
And maybe I will finally learn
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