9 Chords used in the song: A, F#, Bm, E7, D, F, C#, F#m, Dm
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Transpose chords:
No heartaches felt, no longer lonely
Nights of waiting finally won me
F# Bm E7
Happiness it's all rolled up in you
And now with you as inspiration
I look toward a destination
F# Bm E7
Sunny, bright, that once before was blue
I have no more than I did before
A C# F#m
But now I've got all that I need
Bm E7 A
For I love you and I know you love me.
So take my hand, I'll start my journey
Free from all the helpless worry
F# Bm E7
That besets a man when he's alone
For strength is mine when we're together
And with you, I know I'll never
F# Bm E7
Have to pass the high road for the low
I have no more than I did before
A C# F#m
But now I've got all that I need
Bm E7 A Dm E7
For I love you and I know you love me
"Hey, magic finger" (S O L O - 1ª parte)
I have no more than I did before
A C# F#m
But now I've got all that I need
Bm E7 A
For I love you and I know you love me.
Bm E7 A
Yes, I love you and I know you love me.
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About this song: Papa Gene's Blues
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