4 Chords used in the song: F, Bb, Dm, C
Transpose chords:
F Bb
So tired of this heavy load.
F Bb
I've been carrying it for so long.
Dm Bb
I don't know what it wants with me.
Lord, please let me be.
F (x4)
F Bb
Rolling dice on my hotel room bed.
F Bb
Man, it feels so nice to love some one she said.
C Bb F
Cause when the evening comes I'm scared to be bad all by myself.
C Bb F
And I know exactly how it feels to be by myself.
And now she's singing,
F Bb
Happiness always scared me half to death.
F Bb
Never had myself no lovin' to caress."
C Bb F
Little darling stop those tears and dry your eyes, I'm a be right here.
C Bb F
And I'd really love to stay tonight, if you'll have me here.
Oh, oh, oh, oh.
F Bb
Little girl you know I love you so.
Dm Bb
Let's take it easy now and simmer down.
Little girl, let's take the long way home.
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