4 Chords used in the song: G7, A, D, C
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Transpose chords:
C Whadda they do on a rainy night in
G7 Rio?
Dm Whadda they do when there is no starry
C sky?
F Where do they go when they can't go for a
D walk?
D Do they sit at home and
G talk,
Or do they stayF inside aye
C aye
C Where do they woo on a rainy night in
G7 Rio?
Dm Where do the nice senoritas say
C si si?
F Maybe the girl wants a tender kiss, and
D yet,
D How tender can you
G get
When you're beneath aF wet palm
C ree?
F Whadda they do in Missi (
G7) ssippi
F When skies are
G7 drippy?
F And whadda they do when it's
G7 murky
F In Alberq (
G7) uerque?
D And whadda they do in
G Tijuana
D When they wanna snuggle
G tight?
C Wellâ¦
G7 That's what they do in
F Rio
On aD rainy
C night!
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About this song: A Rainy Night In Rio
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