5 Chords used in the song: A, G, D, B, E
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View these chords for the Baritone
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I submitted a cover of this song, so please take a peek!
(in the video I start of saying it's Keasbey Nights. Ignore that. I was tired XD)
In anycase, chords are easy enough:
Open chords style:A-
D for verses
E for Chorus
Well I!A
Know I shouldn'tG
Care But ID
Do and I don't and IA
Always crack aG
Smile when ID
see your punk rock close
ect ect. this chord progression goes on for all verses and horn parts
Steve took three or fourD
Heather took moreB
they lit a cigarette now they'reE
Walking out the doorA
With a semi automaticD
and a ski mask onB
They looked at one anotherE
and said to themselves what fun
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