4 Chords used in the song: A, F#m, Dm, E
View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
Intro A F#m Dm E
A F#m
Wake up brush my teeth
Dm. E
Ready for another day of feeling bleak
A. F#m
Fuck I really just wanna go back to sleep love
Dm. E. A
But I gotta go to work and get my green up
And I’m sick all the time
Coughing like I’m Ethan Klein
I’ll commit not alive
God I do this every night
I just wanna sleep forever
Dm. E
Kinda wish my rhymes were clever
A. F#m
Mmm yeah It’s sad but It’s true
And I’m tired of dealing with this
MF ch-ch-ch-ch
A F#m
Gloom And I know where you are
I been trapped way to long in this
MF ch-ch-ch-ch
A. F#m.
Room And I know someday
Dm. E
you'll find a place To be all on your
A. F#m
Own maybe once in a while
Dm. E
You’ll remember to pick up the goddamned
A. F#m Dm E
Ac hasn’t worked in ages
Feeling hot recently I been blazing up
Sweet stuff cooking up in the basement
My anxieties aren’t man enough to face me I
Haven’t worn
my old clothes
In a while
Pretty pimpin’
Like my name is Kurt vile
I been rockin’ my new fake smile
Lost my real one back when I was a child
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About this song: Mf Gloom
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