4 Chords used in the song: Dm7, G7, Cmaj7, Am

View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
Am (x9)
Life and death and love and birth And peace and war on the planet Earth Is there anything that's worth More than peace and love on the planet Earth
Whoa come on and sing it with me [Peridot] Sing? [Steven] The words relate to the key [Peridot] Key?
[Steven] If it's a pattern if it's a pattern Then just repeat after me Life and death and love and birth
[Peridot] Life and death and love and birth [Steven] Now you sing mi-fa-mi-mi-fa-mi-ti-la [Both] And peace and war on the planet Earth [Steven] Yes yes! That's it!
Peridot] That's so easy [Steven] Yeah but that's what's fun about it You should write something, you should write a song! [Peridot] About what?
[Steven] Whatever you're thinking [Peridot] I guess we're already here I guess we already knowE We've all got something to fear
We've all got nowhere to goDm7
Am (x6) I think you're all insane! But I guess I am too Anybody would be
If they were stuck on Earth with you! [Steven] Hehehehe yes! Life and death and love and birth and [Amethyst] Life and death and love and birth and
[Pearl] Life and death and love and birth and Peace and war on the planet Earth [Garnet] Is there anything that's worth more [Steven] Is there anything that's worth more
[Peridot] Is there anything that's worth more Than peace and love on the planet Earth
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About this song: Peace And Love
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