6 Chords used in the song: Am, D, E, G, C, F
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Transpose chords:
AmD Am
You catch the elevator from the penthouse suite
And take it down to the casino
Am D Am
The God almighty sound of money movin' round
Can be heard all the way to Reno
C G Am
Well it's midnight and I'm not famous yet
C G Am
Tryin' to break the bank with one more bet
C G E Am
Nothin' can stop my thirty-two hop
And my ten dollar yo-yo-yo
F F Am
Well it's midnight and we're just gettin' ready to roll
D Am E E
Am D Am
Lester Polyester signs another marker
Like the high rollers do
He shouts seven come eleven
D Am E E G
Lester's little baby needs Gucci shoes
C G Am
Well it's midnight and she's not famous yet
C G Am
Tryin' to win it all with one more bet
C G E Am
They double down the dealer, and she's got seventeen
And old Lester's got twenty-two
F F Am
Well it's midnight, and they're always ready for you
D Am E E
They're pagin' someone we know
D Am E E
Lester makes a Keno, he's not leavin' yet
Am D Am
Vacuum cleaners hummin' lounge act still is strummin'
It's their twenty fourth set
C G Am
Well it's midnight and they're not famous yet
C G Am
Tryin' to break out with one more bet
C G E Am
Nothin' can stop my thirty-two hop
Or my ten dollar yo-yo-yo
F F Am
Well it's midnight we're just getting ready to roll
D Am E E
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About this song: It's Midnight And I'm Not Famous Yet
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