Deep Thought Uke tab by steakfry

5 Chords used in the song: Am, C, Em, F, E

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Album:  unknown
Key: AmChords
(Am Am, G G, F F)x2 
(Am Am, G G, Am Am, F F)x2 (Am Am, G G, F F, G G, A A, G G, F F, C C, G G, C C)
(C C) I've been (Em Em) seein' what you've been (F F) up to
(C C) Back to (Em Em) drawin' (F F) attention to your- (C C) self
(Em Em) Lord knows that I'm (F F) ashamed
(C C) Lord knows you've been (Em Em) puttin' down my (F F) name

(F F) Well, (C C) is this (Em Em) who you really (F F) are?
(C C) Is this (Em Em) who you always (F F) were?
Well, (C C) are there (Em Em) things that I don't (F F) know?
(C C) I guess that (Em Em) I'd just (F F) rather not know

(C C) (Alright, I got it. (E E) Just one more thing...)
(F F) I was (Em Em) deep in thought with (F F) you
Well, (C C) I was deep in (Em Em) thought with (F F) you
Well! I was (C C) deep in (Em Em) thought with (F F) you, hey, you know
Baby, (C C) I was deep (Em Em) in thought (F F) with you, come on, come on
(C C) I was deep in (Em Em) thought with (F F) you, yeah!
(F F) One more time! (C C) I was deep in (Em Em) thought with (F F) you
(C C, Em Em, F F) x2

Uke tab by , 15 Feb 2021

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