4 Chords used in the song: F, Bb, Gm, C
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Transpose chords:
F Bb
You can write my place out
Of the life you make
And all then things that mattered
When you knew my face
Cross off all the ways I failed you, 'cause I failed you
Gm C
But I'm still in your blood, I'm still in your blood
F Bb
The time when all our mistakes made sense, You needed it
F Bb Gm
The time when all the lying, You sympathized with sin
All this sabotage and blame, Well I can take it
Gm C
'cause I just want you back, I just want you back
Temporary battles
Can take up half your life
How you dig your bed
Will it help you sleep at night
Forgiveness like a blanket
That you want to forget
But you still crumble at my name
You still crumble at my name
The time when all our mistakes made sense
You needed it
The time when all the lying
You sympathized with sin
All this sabotage and blame
Well I can take it
Because I want you back
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About this song: Bitches In Tokyo
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