4 Chords used in the song: Am, F, G, Em
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Transpose chords:
Am F G
I degree today that life is simply taking and not giving
Am F G
England is mine and it owes me a living
Am F G
But ask me why and i'll spit in your eye
Am F G
Oh ask me why and i'll spit in your eye
Em Am F G
But we cannot cling to the old dreams anymore
Em Am F G
No we cannot cling to those dreams.
Am F
Does the body rule mind?
or does the mind rule the body?
Am F G
i dunno...
Am F G
Under the iron bridge we kissed
Am F G
and although i ended up with sore lips
Em Am F G
It just wasnt like the old days anymore
Em Am F
No it wasnt like those days
G Am F G
Am i still ill?
Am F G
Am F
Does the body rule the mind
or does the mind rule the body?
Am F G
I dunno...
Am F G
Ask me why and I'll die
Am F G
oh ask me why and I'll die
Em Am F G
and if you must go to work tomorrow
Em Am F G
well if I were you I wouldn't bother
Am F G
for there are brighter sides to life
and I should know because I've seen them
Am F G
but not very often
Am F G
Under the iron bridge we kissed
Am F G
and although i ended up with sore lips
Em Am F G
It just wasnt like the old days anymore
Em Am F
No it wasnt like those days
G Am F G
Am i still ill?
Am F G
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