16 Chords used in the song: C, E7, A7, A7+5, D7, G7, Am7, Dm7, C7, F, Fm, Cdim, Fm7, Dm, C#dim, Cm6
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# You play the A7+5 chord like so:
C E7 A7 A7+5 D7 G7 C G7
C Am7 Dm7 G7
Another bride, another groom
C C7 F Fm
Another sunny honeymoon
C Am7 Dm7 G7
Another season, another reason
C Cdim Dm7 G7
For makin' whoopee
C Am7 Dm7 G7
You get some shoes, a little rice
C C7 F Fm
The groom's so nervous he answers twice
C Am7 Dm7 G7
It's really thrilling that he's so willin'
C F Fm7 C
For makin' whoopee
C7 Dm
Picture a little love nest
Dm7 C
Down where the roses cling
C7 Dm
Picture that same old love nest
Dm7 G7 G7
And see what a year can bring
C Am7 Dm7 G7
He's doing dishes and baby clothes
C C7 F Fm
He's so ambitious, he even sews
C Am7 Dm7 G7
Just don't forget, folks, that's what you get, folks,
C Cdim Dm7 G7
For makin' whoopee
C C#dim Dm7 G7
Ain't she sweet?
C C#dim Dm7 G7
See her walking down the street
C E7 A7 A7+5
Now I ask you very confidentially
D7 G7 C
Ain't she sweet?
C C#dim Dm7 G7
Ain't she nice
C C#dim Dm7 G7
Look her over once or twice
C E7 A7 A7+5
Now I ask you very confidentially
D7 G7 C
Ain't she nice?
Cm6 C
Just take a look in her direction
Cm6 C G7
Oh me, oh my, ain't that perfection
C C#dim Dm7 G7
I repeat
C C#dim Dm7 G7
Don't you think she's kind of sweet
C E7 A7 A7+5
Now I ask you very confidentially
D7 G7 C G7
Ain't she sweet?
C Am7 Dm7 G7
Another year or maybe less
C C7 F Fm
What's this I hear? Well, can't you guess?
C Am7 Dm7 G7
She feels neglected and he's suspected
C Cdim Dm7 G7
Of makin' whoopee
C Am7 Dm7 G7
She sits alone most every night
C C7 F Fm
He doesn't phone her, he doesn't write
C Am7 Dm7 G7
He says he's busy, but she says "is he?"
C F Fm7 C
He's makin' whoopee
C7 Dm
He doesn't make much money
Dm7 C
Only five-thousand per
C7 Dm
Some judge who thinks he's funny
Dm7 G7
Says he's gotta pay six to her
C Am7 Dm7 G7
Now he says: "Judge, suppose I fail?"
C C7 F Fm
The judge says: "Budge right into jail!
C Am7 Dm7 G7
You'd better keep her, I think it's cheaper
C F Fm7 C
Than makin' whoopee
C C#dim Dm7 G7
Ain't she nice
C C#dim Dm7 G7
Look her over once or twice
C E7 A7 A7+5
Now I ask you very confidentially
D7 G7 C
Ain't she nice?
Cm6 C
Just cast an eye in her direction
Cm6 C G7
Oh me, oh my! Ain't that perfection?
C C#dim Dm7 G7
I repeat
C C#dim Dm7 G7
Don't you think she's kind of sweet
C E7 A7 A7+5
Now I ask you very confidentially
D7 G7 C G7
Ain't she sweet?
C Dm7 G7 C
Ain't... she.... sweet!
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About this song: Ain't She Sweet / Making Whoopee Mashup
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