5 Chords used in the song: Gm7, Em7, Am7, Dm7, D7
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Transpose chords:
Hopeless, girl I'm so in love with you I'mEm7
Hopeless, I don't know what to do I'mAm7
Hopeless, sitting here stuck on you andDm7
Wondering what you're doingGm7
Two years since I left youEm7
Sometimes I wish I never met yo-o-u
Do your lips still taste the same?
Cause I wanna kno-o-w
Two years, do ya miss meEm7
Been tryna run from these memories
I wish you'd call my phone
Cause you know that I'm soGm7
Hopeless, girl I'm so in love with you I'mEm7
Hopeless, I don't know what to do I'mAm7
Hopeless, sitting here stuck on you andDm7
Wondering what you're doing
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