5 Chords used in the song: C#m, B, A, E, Adim5
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Transpose chords:
Verse 1
C#m B A E
To me, the only thing left after a while
C#m B A E
was that night we watched
C#m B A E
documentaries up through morning
C#m B A E
[and then you] kicked me out. [huh!]
C#m B A E
[You] opened up your screen door
C#m B A E
and threw me off, the porch
C#m B A E
it was summer then and I drove home whistling
C#m B A E
down the pike.
A Adim5
And then there was that.
Our one sweet night together.
And under highway signs
C#m B A E
I watched our love start fluttering,
C#m B A E
C#m B A E
I counted all the headlights
C#m B A E
to make sure I was all right.
[palm muted]
C#m B A E
Now I'm wondering is it me or is it me
C#m B A E
that can't see silver linings?
C#m B A E
So I fucked it up, I watched you go
C#m B A E
I saw my hand not dailing the phone.
C#m B A E
All I'm left to do is remember the dull room.
Verse 2
[regular struming]
C#m B A E
We sat in blue stream light
C#m B A E
watching the strike of '59.
C#m B A E
[I] dreamed of wrecking my underwear.
C#m B A E
Oh can't I touch your cheeks somewhere
C#m B A E
under dirt filled rainy nights
C#m B A E
with my socks stuck in the mud.
C#m B A E
Please come, dive in, puddles with me
Our one sweet night together.
Our one sweet night together.
Our one sweet night together,
and under highway signs
Post-chorus/ Outro
C#m B A E
I watched out love gone fluttering,
C#m B A E
C#m B A E
I counted all the headlights
C#m B A E
to make sure I was alright!
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About this song: Jesse And My Whetstone
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