10 Chords used in the song: D, F#m, Dmaj7, A7, A, C#m, Cmaj7, G, F, Em
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Transpose chords:
Excuse me
If I bore you
Dmaj7 F#m
When I talk about the things I like to do
Excuse me
If I'm not like them
Dmaj7 A7
I'd always liked to think there's something else out there
A C#m
For us the world is a gift
A spin as a day
A turn as a year
Cmaj7 G
And if the day give us rain
F#m F Em
Let's stare at the falling drops
A7 Dmaj7 A
In the air that I breathe when you wonder outside
Dmaj7 A
Touch of sunlight when the words getting dark
Slow down the pace of the clocks in our heads
F#m F Em Dma7
So we can keep shaping the clouds
Excuse me
Is what you told me
Dmaj7 F#m
When I didn't listen what you had to say
D F#m
Maybe I am just like them
Dmaj7 A7
Forgetting you could also choose a way
A C#m
Your view land they'd mind
Are two colour filters blazing my sky
Cmaj7 G
Alone but together we'll share
F#m F Em
The touch, the taste, the smell
A7 Dmaj7 A
Oh, the air that I breathe when we wonder outside
Dmaj7 A
Touch of sunlight when the words getting dark
Slow down the pace of the clocks in our heads
F#m F Em Dmaj7
So we can keep shaping the clouds
D A (x8)
Excuse me
Is what you told me
Dmaj7 F#m
When I didn't listen what you had to say
D F#m
Maybe I am just like them
Dmaj7 A7
Forgetting you could also choose a way
A C#m
Your view land they'd mind
Are two colour filters blazing my sky
Cmaj7 G
Alone but together we'll share
F#m F Em
The touch, the taste, the smell
A7 Dmaj7 A
Oh, the air that I breathe when we wonder outside
Dmaj7 A
Touch of sunlight when the words getting dark
Slow down the pace of the clocks in our heads
F#m F Em Dmaj7
So we can keep shaping the clouds
D A (x8)
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About this song: Excuse Me
Depois de ter passado pelos Estados Unidos e de alguns anos a residir em Barcelona onde estudou jazz na prestigiada escola Taller de Musics, Salvador regressou a Portugal onde tem trabalhado neste primeiro disco de originais.Durante o tempo que viveu nos Estados Unidos e em Barcelona, Salvador Sobral desenvolveu vários projectos musicais: compôs para si mesmo mas ao mesmo tempo criou performances arrojadas à volta da figura de Chet Baker, autênticas viagens pela bossa-nova, ou até mesmo pelas doces sonoridades da américa latina. Read more on Last.fm.