3 Chords used in the song: Cm9, Fm9, Ebmaj7
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Transpose chords:
[Intro/Solo 1]Cm9 -
Fm9 x3
Ebmaj7 -
[Verse 1]Cm9He told me sweet lies of
Fm9sweet loves
Cm9Heavy with the burden of the
Cm9And he spoke of his dreams
Broken by the burdenEbmaj7
Broken by theFm9burden of his youth
[Break/Solo 2]Cm9 -
Fm9 x2
[Verse 2]
"FourteenCm9years," he said
"I couldn'tFm9look into the sun
Cm9She saw him laying at the
Fm9end of my gun"
Hungry forEbm9life
AndGm7thirsty for the distant
I remember hisEbm9hands
And the way theGm7mountains looked
TheEbm9light shot diamonds from his Abeyes
Hungry forEbm9life
AndGm7thirsty for the distant
[Break/Solo 3]Cm9 -
Fm9 x6
Like the scar ofEbm9age
Written allGm7over my face
TheEbm9war is still raging inAbside of me
I still feel theEbm9chill
As I reveal myGm7shame to you
IEbm9wear it like a tattoAbo
IEbm9wear it like a tattoAbo
IEbm9wear it like a tattoAbo
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