6 Chords used in the song: D, G, A, Em, Bm, F#m
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| D | G | D | A |
| D | Em | G | Em |
| D | Em | G | A |
D Em
Rata man sihinen awidin
Rahasak kiyannam
D Em
Aadare dothin genawith
Oba hata pudannam
Bm F#m
Nindema semada hindinnam
Em A
Oba langa indinam
G F#m G A
Paata ge heenaye dethol man simbinnam
[Verse 1]
D Em G A
Me prema paare, piyamenna api denna
D Em G A
Sihine sadadi, oya thurule man unna
G F#m Em A
Me mal nelala warale gasala
G F#m G A
Nil ahase oba ekka piyamba giya man
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About this song: Reta Man Sihinen Awidin
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