3 Chords used in the song: C, G7, F
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Transpose chords:
C G7
I’d like to shoot you in the ass with a BB gun
Lay there in the tall grass and laugh at what I done
Put a blood blister upon each bun
G7 C
I’d like to shoot you in the ass with a BB gun
C G7
I’d love to rub your toothbrush on a sick monkeys butt
Give your home phone number to some perverted nut
Tell everybody whatcha really weight and just for fun
G7 C
I’d like to shoot you in the ass with a BB gun
C G7
I’d like to shoot you in the ass with a BB gun
Lay there in the tall grass and wait for the cops to come
Put a blood blister upon each bun
G7 C
I’d like to shoot you in the ass with a BB gun
C G7
I’d love to kick your poodle, I’d love to sling your cat
Bust your Yanni CD’s with a baseball bat
Send your fat-mouthed momma sailing like the flying nun
G7 C
I’d like to shoot you in the ass with a BB gun
C G7
I’d like to shoot you in the ass with a BB gun
Lay there in the tall grass and wait for the cops to come
Put a blood blister upon each bun
I’d like to pop Sally Fields right square in the ass
With a Red Rider BB gun
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About this song: Bb Gun
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