3 Chords used in the song: E, A, B7
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View these chords for the Baritone
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Well i got home and the door was locked and i tried to ring the bellE
I found a little bittie not that she had wrote tellin me to "go to hell"A
I crawled in the window I got insideE
She kicked me in the balls and then i criedB7
Called me a name said i liedE
Kicked me again and i thought i diedA
Took my clothes set 'em on fireE
hit me with her curlin' ironA
I tried to stop it with my watchB7
and then she kicked me in the crotch again
yeah todays the day my wife met my girlfriend
when u play the next verse its the same chord progression
sound out the last chorus
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About this song: When My Wife Met My Girlfriend
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