7 Chords used in the song: C, G, Am, Em, F, G7, E
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Transpose chords:
Dead puppies
Am Em
Dead puppies
F C G7 C G
Dead puppies aren't much fun.
C G Am Em
They don't come when you call.
Am Em E
They don't chase squirrels at all.
F C G7 C G
Dead puppies aren't much fun.
C G Am Em
My puppy died late last fall.
Am Em E
He's still rotting in the hall.
F C G7 C G
Dead puppies aren't much fun, no no no.
C G Am Em
Mom says puppy's days are through.
Am Em E
She's going to throw him in the stew.
F C G7 C G
Dead puppies aren't much fun.
Dead puppies
Am Em
Dead dead dead, dead puppies
F C G7 C G
Dead puppies aren't much fun.
C'mon everybody out there; sing along, OK?
Dead, dead dead dead puppies
Am Em
Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead puppies
F C G7 C G
Dead puppies aren't much fun.
One more time for Roman Hruska!
Dead, dead, dead, dead
Dead, dead, dead, dead
Dead, dead, dead, dead
Em F
Dead, dead, dead, dead, puppies.
F C G7 F C G7 C
Dead puppies aren't much fun.
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About this song: Dead Puppies Aren't Much Fun
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