6 Chords used in the song: C, D7, F, D, A, G
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Transpose chords:
c d7 f
We're like two sides of the same coin, bright shiny and new
we go together like clouds and the weathe chewing gum and a shoe
Like coffee and pie like a shirt and a tie
like sherlock and a clue
we're like two sides of the same coin, bright shiny and new
We got together like a bird and a tree, like a burger and some fries
like steam and a kettle like a bike and a pedal, like feces and some flies
Like a stadium and a seat a duvay and a sheet, anything and super glue
we're like two sides of the same coin bright shiny and new
d a c g
d a c
Well, you may think I mixed my metaphors and my lyrics are strained
well i may not understand simile but the fact remains
c d7 f
We're stuck to one another like a sister and a brother in a small town in Arkansas
like fish and chips chap stick and lips heavy drinking and breaking the law
Like the dead and rotting squirrel corpse and the front axle of my suburu
we're like two sides of the same coin, bright shiny and new
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About this song: Two Sides Of The Same Coin
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