7 Chords used in the song: A#m, C#, D#, F#, D#m, Fm, G#
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verse 1
A#m C# D#
I'm not awake, I'm not alone
You're right beside my face
F# A#m
Will you love me this way?
'Cause I'm dancing with my eyes closed
It's okay, it's me, babe
Fm F#
One more time for my taste
F# A#m
One more time for my taste
A#m C#
See me fall from your eyes to your waist
One more time for my taste
Drink this wine from your sweet?, from your case
G# A#m
I feel your love, I feel your faith alway
verse 2
C# D#
You're not awake, you're not alone
G# Fm F#
I'm calling off that fragile case
Half way
|A#m |A#m G#|C#
|C# D# I'll lick your wounds
Fm F# I'll lay you down
One more time for my taste
See me fall from your eyes to your waist
D#m One more time for my taste
Drink this wine from your sweet?, from your case
G# A#m
I feel your love, I feel your faith always
See me fall from your eyes to your waist
G# D#m C#
I feel your love, I feel your faith always
F# One more time for my taste
A#m One more time for my
C# One more time for my
D#m One more time for my
C# F# One more time for my home
A#m F# I'll lick your wounds G# Fm
I'll lay you down
A#m F# I'll lick your wounds G# Fm
I'll lay you down
A#m F# I'll lick your wounds G# Fm
I'll lay you down
C# F# G# I'll lay you down
|A#m |G# |F# |F# G#
|Fm |Fm |F# |F# |F# C# |D#
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About this song: Taste
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