6 Chords used in the song: E, G#m7, A, Asus2, C#m7, Am
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Play “Two Little Words I Do”
Acoustic guitar
Two Little Words I Do Chords
Reuben Koops
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guusmay2 33
2nd fret
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Original version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLXMSxb6bP0
Capo on 2nd fret
The intro is the main riff throughout the whole song, you can either mute all the strings after you've
played the Asus2 chord or strum all the strings an extra time apart from the E string.
[Intro] x2, verse starts at the second time playing the intro at the A chord.
E G#m7 A Asus2
A Asus2 E G#m7
Just let me say I'm excited,
A Asus2 E G#m7
you're gonna be my wife.
A Asus2 C#m7 G#m7 A Asus2
I can't imagine what it's like to wake up to you, and go to bed with you.
E G#m7 A
We don't need to say goodbye.
E G#m7
I'll tell you bedtime stories,
A Asus2 E G#m7
and you pretend they're not boring.
A Asus2 C#m7 G#m7
One day we'll have a house of our very own
A Asus2 E
and we'll make it our home.
G#m7 A Asus2
And I'll do anything for you.
C#m7 G#m7
It's just two little words.
C#m7 G#m7 A Asus2
They're gonna change my world.
C#m7 G#m7
Three letters, in old.
C#m7 G#m7 A
And I mean them with all I got.
E G#m7
We're gonna say I do.
A Asus2 E G#m7
We're gonna say I do.
A Asus2 C#m7 G#m7
And though the world may try to catch up to us,
A Asus2
we'll be alright because
E G#m7 A
We ain't got nothing to prove
E G#m7
You know you got me forever
A Asus2 E G#m7 A
It's you and me together.
Asus2 C#m7 G#m7
One day, we'll make a little family.
A Asus2
But now, it's you and me.
E G#m7 A
And I'm as happy as ever.
Asus2 E G#m7 A Asus2
So don't you worry 'bout a thing, I got your back, don't you see?
E G#m7 A Asus2
You got your dress, I got my suit and now we're ready to be.
C#m7 G#m7 A
Hold your breath and close your eyes.
And make a wish this time.
E G#m7 A Asus2
'Cause mine is standing before me.
C#m7 G#m7
It's just two little words.
C#m7 G#m7 A Asus2
They're gonna change my world.
C#m7 G#m7
Three letters, in old.
C#m7 G#m7 A
And I mean them with all I got.
E G#m7
We're gonna say I do.
A Asus2 E G#m7
We're gonna say I do, yeah.
A Asus2 C#m7 G#m7
And though the world may try to catch up to us,
A Asus2
we'll be alright because
E G#m7 A
We ain't got nothing to prove.
Asus2 E G#m7
We're gonna say I do.
A Asus2 E G#m7
We're gonna say I do, yeah.
A Asus2 C#m7 G#m7
And all the world may try to catch up to us.
A Asus2
We'll be alright because
E G#m7 A
We ain't got nothing to prove.
Am E
We're gonna say I do.
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