2 Chords used in the song: A#maj7, F
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Transpose chords:
A#maj7 F
As time draws near my dearest dear when you and I must part
A#maj7 F
How little you know of the grief and woe in my poor aching heart
A#maj7 F
Each night I suffer for your sake, you’re the girl I love so dear
A#maj7 F
I wish that I was going with you or you were staying here
A#maj7 F
I wish my breast were made of glass wherein you might behold
A#maj7 F
Upon my heart your name lies wrote in letters made of gold
A#maj7 F
In letters made of gold my love, believe me when I say
A#maj7 F
You are the one that I will adore until my dying day
A#maj7 F
The blackest crow that ever flew would surely turn to white
A#maj7 F
If ever I prove false to you bright day will turn to night
A#maj7 F
Bright day will turn to night my love, the elements will mourn
A#maj7 F
If ever I prove false to you the seas will rage and burn
A#maj7 F
And when you’re on some distant shore think of your absent friend
A#maj7 F
And when the wind blows high and clear a light to me pray send
A#maj7 F
And when the wind blows high and clear pray send your love to me
A#maj7 F
That I might know by your hand light how time has gone with thee
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About this song: The Blackest Crow
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