8 Chords used in the song: E, A, G, D, C, B, F#, Abm
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View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
I don't ever want to see you cryin'
And I don't ever want to see you blue, oh no
All I ever wanted to do was know you
And maybe hope you could know me too
|1. |2. and 3. (to bridge)
Verse 2:
Well I don't ever want to make you sorry
For anything you've ever said or done, oh no
All I ever wanted to do was love you
And maybe hope you could love me too
And it's all right baby, I'm in love with you
And it's all right, I would never make you blue
Or try to play with you
Verse 3:
Well, I don't ever want to spoil your party
Or tell you where to go or what to do, oh no
All I ever wanted to do was know you
And maybe hope you could know me too
(repeat bridge)
(repeat verse 3)
(guitar solo over bridge chords)
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