11 Chords used in the song: E, Em, D, A#7, A6, Em7, A#, C#7, Gm7, G7, A#maj7
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Transpose chords:
E Em
D A#7 A6 E
don't just go quite yet
Em7 A# C#7 A6
I think you look so pretty
E Gm7 G7
There's not
D A#7 A6 E
much I wouldn't do
G7 A#maj7 C#7
to keep you here beside me
I know you have your dreams
and I don't want to take them from you
It makes you wanna scream
and I'm not helping when I hold you
But I need to say that I love you
And that I always will
I need to lay and behold you
So darling won't you be still.
Darling won't you be still.
Take this
token of my praise
and hide it deep within you
Save it
for the rainy days
when I'll be thinking of you.
I know you have your dreams
and I don't want to take them from you
it makes you wanna scream
and I'm not helping when I hold you
But I need to say that I love you
and that I always will
I need to lay and behold you
so darling won't you be still
Darling won't you be still.
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