4 Chords used in the song: C, G, Am, F
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Transpose chords:
C G Am F
C G Am F
I've got a heart full of pride,
C G Am F
and you can never take the pride away from me.
C G Am F
That feeling makes me full of strenght,
C G Am F
It makes me want to live and fight for what I am
C G Am F
I've got a heart full of pride,
C G Am F
and you can never take the pride away from me.
C G Am F
That feeling makes me full of strenght,
C G Am F
It makes me want to live and fight for what I am
C G Am F
I've got a flame in my heart that never dies,
C G Am F
I got a heart full of pride
C G Am F
I've got a flame in my heart that never dies,
C G Am F
I got a heart full of pride
C G Am F
I've got a flame in my heart that never dies,
C G Am F
I got a heart full of pride
C G Am F
I've got a heart full of strenght,
C G Am F
a strenght build with pride is keeping me alive
C G Am F
it makes my life worth fighting for,
C G Am F
and I will never think that I'm worthless anymore
C G Am F
I've got a flame in my heart that never dies,
C G Am F
I got a heart full of pride
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