10 Chords used in the song: G7, G, Am, D, D7, C, B7, Em, A7, Em7
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Transpose chords:
G G7 Am D Am D
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Am D Am D G D7
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la ................
D7 C D7 C D7 C D7 C
Good mornin' starshine, the earth says hello
D7 C D7
You twinkle above us
C D7 G D7
We twinkle below
D7 C D7 C D7 C D7 C
Good mornin' starshine, You lead us along
B7 Em G7 C
My love and me as we sing
A7 D G
our early mornin' singin' song
G Am D Am D
Glibby gloop gloopy Nibby Nabby Noopy La La La Lo Lo
Am D Am D G G7
Sabba Sibby Sabba Nooby abba Nabba Le Le Lo Lo
C B7 Em C
Tooby ooby walla nooby abba nabba
G D7 G
Early mornin' singin' song
D7 C D7
Good mornin' starshine
C D7 C D7 C
There's love in your skies
D7 C D7
reflecting the sunlight
C D7 G D7
in my lovers eyes
D7 C D7 C D7 C D7 C
Good mornin' starshine, so happy to be
B7 Em G7 C
my love and me as we sing
A7 D G
our early mornin' singin' song
G Am D Am D
Glibby gloop gloopy Nibby Nabby Noopy La La La Lo Lo
Am D Am D G G7
Sabba sibby sabba nooby abba nabba Le Le Lo Lo
C B7 Em C
Tooby ooby walla Nooby abba nabba
G D7 G
Early mornin' singin' song
***musical interlude***
C D7 C D7
Can you hear me?
G G7 Am D Am D
Singin' a song, hummin' a song, singin' a song
Am D Am D G G7
Lovin' a song, laughin' a song, singin' the song
C B7 Em C
Sing the song, song the sing
G Em7 Am D
song song song sing, sing sing sing song
G Em7 Am D
Long long long ling, ling ling ling long
G G7 Em7 G7
Sing sing a song sing a song
G Em7 Am D
yah, you can sing sing song sing a song
G G7 Em7 G7
Sing sing a song, sing a song
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About this song: Good Morning Stashine
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