3 Chords used in the song: A7, D7, E7
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Well I swear your perfume baby,Is made out of turnip greens
Every time I kiss you girl,It tastes like pork and beansD7
Even though you're wearin' those,Up-town high heelsA7
I can tell from your giant step, You been walkin' through the cotton fieldsE7
Oh! You're so down home girl.A7
Every time you monkey child, Takes my breath away
Well every time you move like that, girl I got to get down and prayD7
Girl you know that dress you're wearin' Is made out of fiberglassA7
Every time you move like that, girl I got to go to Sunday MassE7
Oh! You're so down home girl
I'm gonna take you to the muddy river
And push you in
So I can watch the water roll on
Down your velvet skin
I'm gonna take you down to New Orleans
Down in Dixie land
So I can watch you do the second line
With an umbrella in your hand
Oh! You're so down home girl
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