5 Chords used in the song: Bb, C, Dm, Am, F
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Transpose chords:
Bb C Dm
Well you used to be somebody and now you're someone else
Bb C Dm
Took apart his own life, left it on the shelf
Bb C Dm
Sick of being someone he did not admire
Bb C Dm
Took apart his old things, set them all on fire
Bb Dm Am C
He's gonna change, he's gonna change his ways
Bb Dm Am C
Gonna change, gonna change his ways
Bb F C Dm
And it feels like his new life can start
Bb F C
And it feels like heaven
(the second verse/pre-chorus/chorus are all the same as the first)
Left his house at midnight, resolute and young
In search of something better than the person he'd become
Threw his bags onto the back of his run down 80's car
Headed out to God knows where, the distance is too far
He's gonna change, gonna change his ways
Gonna change, gonna change his ways
And it feels like his new life can start
And it feels like heaven
And it feels like his new life can start
And it feels like heaven
Bb C Dm
Your life is your life, you gotta live like it's your life
Your life is your life, you gotta live like it's your life
Your life is your life, you gotta live like it's your life
Your life is your life, you gotta live like it's your life
And it feels like his new life can start
And it feels like heaven
And it feels like his new life can start
And it feels like heaven
And it feels like his new life can start
And it feels like heaven
And it feels like his new life can start
And it feels like heaven
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About this song: Life Is Life
According to the Life Goes On Songfacts, the song's title is a nod towards Charles Bukowski's poem The Laughing Heart - a verse whose final lines seem to sum up the record: "Your life is your life. Know it while you have it. You are marvelous. The Gods wait to delight in you."