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(feel free to correct me, i'm not a master at fingerpicking)
if only i could love you enough
to give you what you need
if only i could be for you
the hand that feeds
cause i know you can only starve so much
till you like how it feels
sitting on a throne of bones, staring at that cold meal
its not your body that i love
but its the shell you're inside of
and you're killing it,
you're killing the only piece of you i can touch
its not your body that i need,
but that's what sleeps next to me
and you're killing it, you're killing it, your'e killing it
please eat
if only i could make you believe you deserve everything
every spoon and bite, anything
you want to eat
cause i know you can only starve so much before you'll die
there's parts of you already gone i can never revive
its not your body that i love,
but its the shell you're inside of
and you're killing it,
you're killing the only piece of it i can touch
its not your body that i need,
but that's what sleeps next to me and
you're killing it, you're killing it, you're killing it
please eat
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