4 Chords used in the song: C, F, E, G
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Transpose chords:
Blistering Pree, all smiling and swollenF
Makes babies to breathe, with their hearts hanging openC
All over the sheets, as soft as beets in some brownF
Dresser drawerC
And with bees in her breath and the rest of her ringing, they'llF
Sting through her chest with a force hard and beating tillC
Wonderfully wet she will get until she's soaked insideF
Her clothes, and there is no sorry to be sorry forE
For a roll around the floorF
Some afternoon so sound and softE
It made her swallow all her sweatF
With every bit of breath she coughsE
And when the day it came toF
Pour all her babies all acrossG
The bathroom floorC
She will be swimming in them all forever more
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About this song: A Baby For Pree
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