4 Chords used in the song: F, G, E, D
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i like to play this song a little lower than you would hear it
in the recording but if you just move the pattern up the neck
it still works out. Enjoy
Intro x2
when i come home from work im fiending for an 8 ball
g e
i got crack on my mind im hearing cocaine call
d e
tellin me to beep the dealer to deliver me stuff
g f
keep it a secret from my wife cuz she thinks i dont use drugs.
there i was, bleeding from my nose and damn
g e
i couldnt breathe but im still thinkin about the next gram
d e
its friday night, im not tryna leave my crib dooped
g f
i kill myself while the dalers eating japanese food
i aint got no pride while buyin the shit
g e
im lyin to myself, telling the runner im tryin to quit
d e
its all make believe ill pretend that its true
g f
and when you give me credit i dodge you every chance that i get to
even if its good ill sniff it up in a minute
g e
call you back and complain that you put too much cut in it
d e
if you fall for that, and bring me a new sack
g f
ill be makin more crazy faces than jim carey on crack
cuz yo im ripped, i owe you loot, plus i annoy you
g e
i deserve to be murdered but the coke is doin it for you
d e
i got nerve, can you put those pills on my bill
g f
i tell you were friends and yo we dont even chill
i need drugs
dont feel like writing all the lyrics out but good luck and have fun
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