3 Chords used in the song: Dm, Am, Gm
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#Okay so the general pattern here is I would strum thumb up, so Thumb = G, pointer finger = C, middle finger = E, ring finger = A
#So you strum 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - (hold) - 3 - 4 - 3 then stylize it as best you can
Give me hope in silence it's
and tell me not of heartbreak it
easier it's kinder
plagues my soul it plagues my soul
Dm Am Gm Dm
And I came and I was nothing
Dm Am Gm Dm
And time will give us nothing
Dm Am Gm Dm
so why did you choose to lean on
Dm Am Gm Dm
a man you knew was falling
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About this song: The Enemy
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