11 Chords used in the song: F, C7, Bb, G7, Bb/D, C#7, Gm7, F/D, F/C, F/A, F/G
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Transpose chords:
F F F F C7
Salagadoola, menchikaboola, bibbidbobbidiboo.
C7 C7
Put 'em together and what have you got?
C7 C7 F C7
F F F F C7
Salagadoola, menchikaboola, bibbidbobbidiboo.
C7 C7
It'll do magic believe it or not.
C7 C7 F C7
Bb F
Salagadoola means, menchikabooleroo,
G7 G7
But the thingamabob that does the job,
C7 Bb/D C7
Is bibbidbobbidiboo.
F F F F C7
Salagadoola, menchikaboola, bibbidbobbidiboo.
C7 C7
Put 'em together and what have you got?
C7 C7 C7 F
Bibbidbobbidi, Bibbidbobbidi, Bibbidbobbidiboo.
C7 C#7 Gm7 C7
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About this song: Cinderella - Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo
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